The KeyShot Web Configurator files are available in the folder /Users/chelseyb/Desktop/RETAIL EXPERIENCE AND DIGITAL MARKETING/RETAIL EXPERIENCE SERVICE OFFERINGS/CONFIGURATORS/Wetsounds Test_File Output 062922/Wetsoundstest_062922.237
It can be accessed by opening the file keyshot-configurator.html in that folder.
Upload the 'Wetsoundstest_062922.237' folder with all of its contents to your webserver, and insert the code below on your webpage:
<iframe src="Wetsoundstest_062922.237/keyshot-configurator.html" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="max-width: 1280px; max-height: 720px; height: 100%; width: 100%;"></iframe>
The max-width and max-height values are the size of the images rendered for the Web Configurator. They will make sure the Web Configurator is not taking up more space than needed. They can be edited/omitted, and the configurator view will adapt.